Thursday, 23 April 2015

Connecting Essay 1

My photograph:

This is an image from my 'Possessions' shoot. For this shoot, I shot portraits of models, and then shot images of their possessions which they had with them on a white background. This was done in the studio. I then used photoshop to edit the separate images, and then to put them together. Thus, this image displays the owner of the possessions, which conveys each models' personality and what is most important to them. For instance, this model decided to display a lot of makeup as her most important possessions, which shows she cares about her appearance. 

Picture I have found:


This is a photo from the internet which I researched before actually shooting the image above. In this image, the top half is a portrait of a woman, and then the bottom half is a table filled with all of her possessions such as her bag, notebooks, phone, camera, pens etc. You can tell a lot about a person from their most important, and everyday possessions and i like that these images display that. These images were taken on location, as the background in the top image is of a window. 

The connection:


These two images are very similar, as they are both displaying the same thing. In both images, we have a portrait of the model, who of which is the main subject in the image. We also have a photograph displaying all their vital possessions that they carry on a day-to-day basis. The two images convey the personality and type of person that the model has/is. I also like that these two images both create a story about the person in them. Having the portrait of the model makes the photograph easier to understand and much more interesting, as we match the face to the items. I like these images a lot as they create a story without giving too much away about the person, I also like that this sort of image can be shot in a studio as well as on location. 

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