Wednesday 11 March 2015

Photographer Research - Gabriel Orozco

Gabriel Orozco

I chose to research into Gabriel Orozco's work more because I think it is great influence for my topic, and in most of his images, i can identify evidence. Initially, I chose to research Orozco in further detail because I like the simplicity of his images. His photos show everyday objects, experiences and life which is why they are so so ordinary. However, Orozco's style makes his photos look extraordinary by using an extreme close-up angle, or displaying bright colours within the image. I like the style of Orozco's style and work, particularly the photos he has taken in the street, such as his motor scooter and reflection images. Orozco is a mexican artist and explored different mediums such as painting, drawing, photography, sculpture etc. 

This is one of my favourite photos of Gabriel Orozco's because I like how the background is quite bland and dull-coloured, but the motor scooters are bright yellow, which the background emphasises. I also like the contrast between the graffiti'd, torn, weathered wall against the brand new, shiny motor scooters. The motor scooters are placed in the centre of the image, so that they are the first thing that we see, and then we look at the background and area, where the motor scooters are parked. This is evidence of human presence and civilisation for many reasons, such as the fact that the motor scooters are actually there, as well as the graffiti on the wall.

This photo is displaying clear evidence of human life and presence. In this photo we can see a breath mark on a shiny piano, this indicates that somebody was sat at the piano at some point. I also like the angle of the image as it positions the mark in the centre of the image, so we focus on that to begin with. The shine of the piano is evident because of the reflection from the light. 

This photo signifies many examples of evidence. Firstly, we can see the reflection of trees and the sky in the puddles on the street, which are completely natural and ordinary. There are three different puddles which show different reflections of the trees and the sky. Another piece of evidence in this image is the tire tracks made from the water from the puddles, clearly somebody has ridden a scooter or a bike through each puddle in a cycle, several times which has made the tire tracks. I like the realism and simplicity of this image, as this is a natural and regular occurrence (the puddle and tire tracks). 

This is a photo of two hand prints. I like this image because the background is completely plain and white, which emphasises the black ink which printed the hands, as well as the marks, lines and wrinkles from the hands. I also like this image because Orozco has placed random, black dots around the hands which makes the photo slightly messy, but makes the viewer stare closer to the image. 

Gabriel Orozco's work has influenced my photography for this project as he has used several different examples of evidence within his work, both artificial and natural, such as puddles, handprints, weathering etc. I also like that he takes photos in realistic settings such as in the street and in a house. Orozco has used lots of different techniques and styles for his photography, as he is also an artist of many other mediums. This has given me inspiration to look for different scenarios and examples of evidence within this project, so i am not focusing on exactly the same thing in every photo. Orozco's work is realistic but simple, which i think is effective and would like to use it as influence for my own work. 

This is one of the photos that I have taken in one of my location shoots. This was influenced by Gabriel Orozco's photo of the motor scooters, as I have mimicked the natural and realistic positioning of the motor scooters, with this image of these bikes. Orozco's street photography also inspired me to take more photos within location, of anything which evidenced human civilisation and presence. 

Again, this photo was influenced by Gabriel Orozco's work in his street photography. This photo was taken of a street, with cars parked on either side of the road. This image mimics Orozco's style as he takes photos in their realistic and natural format - likewise with his images of puddles. 

In summary, I think the basis of Gabriel Orozco's work is perfect influence for this topic: Evidence, as he implicitly captures the evidence of everyday life, human presence and civilization. I also like the simplicity of his images. I have already taken photos which relate to Orozco's work, and were influenced by his work anyhow, but I would like to take more simple images in spite of his photography's influence. 

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